Monday, July 9, 2012

Week 3:Miscellaneous India

Here are some of the random things you come across in Bangalore.

Tiger prawns!

Pizza Hut!

Isn't this cool?

The bus we take to work everyday!
Our guard dog.Can't you see how fierce he is?

Tibetan food!

Bangalore traffic.So much LOVE!

Garuda Mall

Maddy and her friend

For Amanda

Cold coffee
Billboards with innuendo attached


SVYM office

The dog next to our office.He's a snob.

Coconut juice is available everywhere

Cows roam everywhere...and Maddy behind the cow

A guy pushing carts
And parades every single day!
Just kidding!It's actually a "funeral parade". The man in the van is in fact, dead.
To end this blog post, watch this video to experience an auto ride in India


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